Related factors on patients with depression related to Alzheimer's disease based on the improved cumulative logistic regression

Luo, Y.-h.; Guo, Z.-x.; Wang, J.-y.; Ai, Y.-m.; Chen, P.-c.; Yu, H.-m.

Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi 33(8): 788-791


ISSN/ISBN: 0254-6450
PMID: 22967329
Document Number: 662569
To explore the determinants of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients with depression. The degree of depression on AD patients was assessed by the geriatric depression scale. Improved cumulative logistic regression (ICLR) was used to analyze the determinants of AD patients with depression. 196 AD patients were investigated. Among the 196 AD patients, there were 60 (30.6%) males and 136 (69.4%) females, at 58 - 89 years of age (72.3 ± 6.0). Physical activity, diabetes, MoCA, hearing, economic sources and alcohol were related to the degree of depression of AD patients (P < 0.10). The difference between "normal" and "mild depression" was smaller than difference between "mild depression" and "severe depression". AD patients with mild depression were the target population for prevention and they were influenced by several factors listed above.

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