Burkholderia cepacia persistence in patients with mucoviscidosis
Chernukha, M.I.; Shaginian, I.A.; Kapranov, N.I.; Alekseeva, G.V.; Kashirskaia, N.I.; Avetisian, L.R.; Semykin, S.I.; Danilina, G.A.; Polikarpova, S.V.; Pivkina, N.V.
Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 4: 93-98
ISSN/ISBN: 0372-9311 PMID: 22937715 Document Number: 658870
Study features of persistence of Burkholderia cepacia in mucoviscidosis patients. In the period from 2008 to 2009, 56 B. cepacia strains isolated from children with mucoviscidosis were obtained. 114 medical histories of children with mucoviscidosis from various age groups were analyzed. The developed algorithm for identification and typing including phenotype and molecular biology methods was used to identify B. cepacia bacteria. Strain genotyping was carried out by RAPD-PCR with random oligonucleotide primer as well as pulse-electrophoresis. Persistence of associations ofmicroogranisms in 59.4% of cases was established to be the feature of persistent infection in mucoviscidosis. The feature of persistence of B. cepacia strains in patients with diagnosis ofmuco-viscidosis mixed form, severe course is persistence in association with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. B. cepacia bacteria that can persist in mucoviscidosis patients are characterized by resistance to many antibiotics. A prolonged (up to 1 year and 5 months) persistence of B. cepacia strains isolated from 1 patient was proven by using microflora monitoring of lower respiratory tract. B. cepacia bacteria may colonize lower respiratory tract of mucoviscidosis patients, persist for a long time and be transmitted between patients.