Effectiveness of treatment with surfactant in premature infants with respiratory failure and pulmonary infection

Vento, G.; Tana, M.; Tirone, C.; Aurilia, C.; Lio, A.; Perelli, S.; Ricci, C.; Romagnoli, C.

Acta Bio-Medica Atenei Parmensis 83(Suppl 1): 33-36


ISSN/ISBN: 0392-4203
PMID: 23029875
Document Number: 656435
Surfactant inactivation is present in neonatal pneumonia. One hundred thirty-nine preterm babies with Birth Weight (BW) < or = 1250 grams were studied and subdivided in two groups: RDS Group, with a diagnosis of "simple" RDS (N 80) and RDS with Pneumonia Group, consisting of babies with a diagnosis of RDS and a positive BALF culture in the first 24-48 h of life (N 59). Surfactant administration seems less effective in the latter group, because a significantly higher number of infants needed a second dose of surfactant, compared to the patients suffering from RDS alone. (www.actabiomedica.it).

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