Failure to detect surfactant protein-specific antibodies in sera of premature infants treated with survanta, a modified bovine surfactant
Whitsett, J.A.; Hull, W.M.; Luse, S.
Pediatrics 87(4): 505-510
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-4005 PMID: 2011428 Document Number: 381397
Serum from premature infants enrolled in either single-dose or multidose surfactant replacement studies with bovine lung-based exogenous surfactant (Survanta) were analyzed for antibodies reactive with mixtures of bovine surfactant proteins SP-B and SP-C. Sera from 404 premature infants enrolled in single-dose studies and 1024 premature infants enrolled in multidose studies were analyzed, representing a total of 987 samples and 2743 serum samples, respectively. The sera were obtained from treated and control infants at the time of treatment and 1 week, 4 weeks, and 6 months thereafter. Polyclonal antisera generated in rabbits against the small molecular weight proteins were uniformly reactive with the bovine surfactant test antigens; however, antibodies reacting with the surfactant proteins were never detected by immunoblot analysis with the infant sera. Antibodies against common human viral antigens were readily detected in infant serum samples. The horseradish-peroxidase conjugated second antibodies (antihuman immunoglobin G or antihuman immunoglobins A, G, and M) used in the studies were highly reactive with both immunoglobin G and immunoglobin M classes of human antibodies. Therefore there was failure to detect specific immunological responses to the bovine surfactant proteins present in Survanta after single or multiple doses of exogenous surfactant administered in the perinatal period.