The search of miRNA genes in Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus genomes regions complementary to the latest genes

Shirina, T.V.; Bobrovskaia, M.T.; Kozlov, É.A.

Ukrains'kyi Biokhimichnyi Zhurnal 83(5): 59-66


ISSN/ISBN: 0372-3909
PMID: 22276429
Document Number: 652792
The search of miRNA genes in Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus genome region complementary to very late genes has been carried out. The search miRNA algorithm in silico was developed by us. It was shown that NPV B. mori genome region containing orf4 gene complementary to ph gene encodes the potential miRNA. NPV B. mori genome region containing p74 gene complementary to p10 gene encodes mature miRNA and potential miRNA. The genome region containing orf1629 encodes two small non-coding RNAs complementary to orf 5'-end of polyhedrin miRNA. From obtained results it is proposed that two small noncoding RNAs complementary to regions of polyhedrin miRNA are included in polyhedra.

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