Effects of infrainguinal bypasses on long-term patency in pelvic procedures--the significance of hybrid procedures
Mazur, M.; Dostalík, J.; Gunka, I.; Martínek, L.; Gunková, P.; Havránek, P.; Mayzlík, J.
Rozhledy V Chirurgii Mesicnik Ceskoslovenske Chirurgicke Spolecnosti 90(1): 46-51
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-9351 PMID: 21634134 Document Number: 650897
The hitherto published data did not provide clear answer to whether the adjustment of poor runoff through infrainguinal by-pass can improve long-term patency of iliac interventions in patients with multiple-stage arterial lesion. Our intent was to respond to this question. In the period since 1st January 2003 until 31st May 2005 we evaluated two groups of revascularized patients with similar angiographic affection of the iliac and femoropopliteal arteries and statistically comparable input parameters. In the first group incorporating 38 procedures the vascular surgeon performed hybrid intervention (group 1)--one-step iliac intervention with infrainguinal ipsilateral bypass, in the second group incorporating 43 patients angioradiologist performed single percutaneous iliac intervention in catheterization laboratory (group 2). Observation median was 71 months (60-86). Three-year primary patency of iliac interventions was 83% in the hybrid group (group 1) and 72% in single angioplasty group (group 2). Five-year patency was 77% in group 1 and 69% in group 2. In secondary patency the three-year and five-year patency was 94% in group 1 and 83% in group 2. Statistically we did not prove that poor infrainguinal runoff is negative factor of primary patency of iliac intervention (K-M, log rank test, p = 0.58628), as well as secondary patency (p = 0.11474). From the long-term perspective it is not possible to consider poor runoff to be independent risk factor of patency of iliac intervention. Infrainguinal bypass within the hybrid procedures shall not improve the results of iliac intervention.