Indicators of body composition as prognostic factors of efficiency of antiviral therapy for chronic hepatitis C
Selivestrova, T.R.; Trufanova, I.M.; Morozov, S.V.; Isakov, V.A.
Eksperimental'naia i Klinicheskaia Gastroenterologiia 1: 54-58
ISSN/ISBN: 1682-8658 PMID: 21560391 Document Number: 648093
Aim of the study was to assess prognostic value of body mass index (BMI), percent of body fat (PBF) and waist hip ratio (WHR) on to efficacy of therapy of chronic hepatitis C with pegylated interferon a2a plus ribavirin. Sixty-five chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 patients' BMI, WHR and PBF were evaluated before 48 weeks therapy with pegylated interferon a2a 180 mcg/week plus ribavirin 1000-1200 mg/day. PBF was assessed using bioelectrical impedance analysis. HCV viral load before and during the treatment was assessed by PCR. Sustained virologic response (SVR) was determined as PCR negative at week 24 after finishing the treatment course. SVR was achieved in 49.2% (32/65) of patients. There was no difference in mean BMI (28.44 +/- 0.71 vs 29.46 +/- 0.61; p = 0.3) between patients achieved and non-achieved SVR. However, they had lower PBF (22.47 +/- 0.64 vs 25.55 +/- 0.80; p = 0.0003) and WHR (1,04 +/- 0,01 vs 1.10 +/- 0,01; p = 0.001). In conclusion, PBF and WHR demonstrate better prognostic value for pegylated interferon ribavirin combination therapy for chronic hepatitis C.