Long-term effect of fetal neural tissue late grafting on hippocampus cytoarchitecture after transient global cerebral ischemia in rats

Harashchuk, O.V.; Tsupykov, O.M.; Tsymbaliuk, V.I.

Fiziolohichnyi Zhurnal 56(6): 81-92


ISSN/ISBN: 2522-9028
PMID: 21469321
Document Number: 646584
The effect of fetal neural tissue (FNT) grafting on regeneration of hippocampus structure has been investigated in postischemic rats. Transient global cerebral ischemia was induced by 20-min four-vessel occlusion in 13.2 +/- 2.4-month-old rats. FNT suspension was prepared from hippocampal CA1 area and primordial dentate gyrus of E18-E19 rat fetuses. 30 days after TGI, FNT was stereotactically transplanted into CA1 area of ischemic animals. Linear density of CA1 pyramidal neurons, stratum radiatum width, CA4 and dentate gyrus morphology were studied in hippocampal slices by light microscopy 2, 4 and 7 months after TGI and 1, 3 and 6 months after FNT grafting. It has been shown, that late FNT grafting provides significant and prolonged potentiation of a hippocampal cytoarchitecture recovery after TGI in rats.

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