Malignant ascites--optional management using hyperthermic peroperative chemotherapy (HIPEC)

Antos, F.; Dytrych, P.; Vítek, P.; Ryska, O.; Marvan, J.; Serclovlá, Z.

Rozhledy V Chirurgii Mesicnik Ceskoslovenske Chirurgicke Spolecnosti 89(4): 237-241


ISSN/ISBN: 0035-9351
PMID: 20586160
Document Number: 645659
146 procedures using hyperthermic intraoperative peritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) were performed in 121 patients in the FNB Surgical Clinic, during 2000-2008. During these procedures, ascites was detected in 30 subjects (24.8%) and its volume was 250-11,000 ml. The patients concerned could not undergo radical surgery for their GIT or gynecological tumors. The patient group was divided into two subgroups. Subgroup A (22 subjects) included subjects, in whom at least palliative debulking of the tumors (usually total omentectomy) was feasible, and the procedure was followed by HIPEC. Subgroup B (8 patients) included subjects who could not undergo even the minimum debulking procedure because of extensive tumorous spread in their abdominal cavity, underwent only HIPEC. Out of the total of 22 subjects in Subgroup A, ascites was not postoperatively recorded in 17 patients. In 5 patients, ascites was gradually formed from month 6.3 onwards, however, it only reached subclinical levels. In this subgroup, 7 patients exited (at the mean postoperative month 11.7), the remaining 15 patients were surviving at that time, out of whom 9 patients were surviving for more than 1 year after the procedure, 4 subjects were surviving for over 2 years after the procedure and 2 patients for over 4 years. The geometric mean survival time 16.49 months, standard deviation of 1.57. In Subgroup B (8 patients), no ascites was detected in 3 subjects until their death (37.5%), further 5 subjects presented with ascites at the mean postoperative month 7.25. These patients survived for 2-23 months. The geometric mean survival time was 6.83 months, standard deviation of 2.12. There was a statistically significant difference between the two subgoups in the survival time parametres (p = 0.009), thereas, the difference in ascites relapse rates was statistically insignificant (p = 0.12). In the whole study group, in-hospital morbidity was 16.6% and lethality 3.3%. HIPEC with/without debulking is an efficient method for controlling, managing or preventing the development of malignant ascites, it extends the mean survival time of the patients (especially when bulking is feasible) with low morbidity and lethality rates of the procedure.

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