Oral malignancy--an uncommon presentation with sinus tract opening: a case report
Hudedamani, R.E.; Sholapurkar, A.A.; Sharathchandra, B.; Jaishankar, H.P.; Narayan, S.Veena.
Journal of the California Dental Association 38(11): 814-817
ISSN/ISBN: 1043-2256 PMID: 21192614 Document Number: 644677
Routine cases of oral carcinomas may present with history of longstanding nonhealing lesion of the ulcero-proliferative type with a rolled or indurated border. They are most often diagnosed accurately based on clinical evidence, radiographs, and histopathology. However, patients can present with confusing clinical features that can pose diagnostic dilemma with other lesions of the orofacial region. This paper presents a case of malignancy with swelling with concurrent sinus openings.