An uncommon cause of pulsation on the left side of the thorax. Case report
Sirin, B.Hayrettin.; Iskesen, I.; Kurdal, A.Taner.
Annali Italiani di Chirurgia 80(5): 385-387
ISSN/ISBN: 0003-469X PMID: 20131552 Document Number: 633387
A 70-year-old man affected by clinical findings of congestive heart failure eight months after aneurysmectomy of a true left ventricular aneurysm, presented with actual pseudoaneurysm of the left ventricle. There was a 5 x 5 cm soft tissue mass on the left side of the chest, synchronously pulsating with heart beating. The repair was performed with the aid of cardiopulmonary bypass. Myocardial tissues were approximated and closed by using two Teflon stripes. BioGlue was applied on the sutures and between the stripes. Although there is a significantly high mortality of the pseudoaneurysm cases their repair can and should be performed in an urgent procedure.