Precancerous and cancerous lesions of the uterine cervix--risks of the morphological diagnostics

Marinova, P.; Rampalova, J.; Kolnikova, G.; Ortova, S.; Frantishek, O.

Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 49(5): 58-64


ISSN/ISBN: 0324-0959
PMID: 21268404
Document Number: 644190
In this article authors are analyzing the current state of the morphological-macroscopic and microscopic diagnostics of precancerous and cancerous tumors and lesions of the uterine cervix it is made a brief, retrospective view of the development of the relevant questions, examining closely the routinely applied procedures and indicators leading to possible risks of erroneous diagnostics. The evaluation is focusing on diagnostic problems within the area of cytological, as well as, histological analyses. Some lesions in endocervical pathology have the potential to be misinterpreted and are discussed as sources of false-positive smears in cytological diagnostics. More emphasis is placed on those benign lesions which mimics malignancy: ectopias, metaplasias and hyperplasias (mesonephric remants, endometriosis: tunnel clusters, tubal metaplasia, microglandular hyperplasia etc.).

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