Cytologic diagnosis of background and precancerous conditions based on specimens from the uterine cervix

Shabalova, I.P.; Martsishevskaia, R.L.

Laboratornoe Delo 7: 44-49


ISSN/ISBN: 0023-6748
PMID: 1699069
Document Number: 351907
The authors emphasize the value of cytologic diagnosis in the detection and treatment of various conditions that may be regarded as direct or indirect precursors of carcinoma of the cervix uteri. Conditions for obtaining and treatment of the material for high-quality cytologic analysis are described. Potentialities and clinical value of the cytologic diagnosis are discussed, as are specific features of the cytograms in squamous-cell metaplasia, endocervicitis, leukoplakia, virus-induced changes in the epithelium, and dysplasia of various severity. The authors point to the important role of cytologic diagnosis in examinations of women with apparent gynecologic diseases and without manifest clinical or visual changes in the cervix uteri.

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