Weak coherent radiation of OH and ortho- H2O space masers as a carrier in biocommunication: the ortho/para-conversion of H2O spin isomers?

Pershin, S.M.

Biofizika 55(4): 619-625


ISSN/ISBN: 0006-3029
PMID: 20968072
Document Number: 640634
A conception of biocommunication based on the principle of radiophysics stating that the carrier modulation takes place at the resonance frequency in the transmission-receiver system has been substantiated and proved. The coherent radiation of space OH-masers (1.6-1.7 GHz) and ortho-H2O-maser (22.3 GHz) is proposed as a source of the carrier frequency. The narrow lines of rotational transition of H2O and OH molecules in liquid water were proposed to be considered as an analog of selective resonances of transmitter and receiver in radiocommunication. The possibility of the ortho-para conversion of H2O spin isomers, induced by weak electromagnetic fields, is discussed.

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