Gastrointestinal stromal tumor in the cecum--a rare cause of ileo-cecal-colic invagination

Pirşcoveanu, M.; Munteanu, M.; Mănescu, P.; Ruxanda, A.; Vasile, L.; Dina, S.; Pogoran, N.; Mănescu, D.; Tudoraşcu, C.; Fulger, S.; Drăguşin, L.

Chirurgia 105(3): 403-407


ISSN/ISBN: 1221-9118
PMID: 20726310
Document Number: 639403
The gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are the rares mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract (1-3% of all gastrointestinal neoplasias). The frequency of their location on the rectocolic site is quoted with the values lower than 10% of all GIST. The authors present a patient case 55 years aged, who presented a gastrointestinal stromal tumor cecal located. This tumor determined the invagination of the cec into the ascendent colon and then into transverse colon drawing the last ileal ansa and leading to an ileo-cecal-colic invagination, without development of a occlusive syndrome. We performed a computed tomography and an irigography. These investigations showed the complications of the case, but it could not find out a cause of the invagination. We discuss in our article the problem regarding find out the type of the tumor and its origin too. We also discuss about the therapy, etiopathogeny, evolution and prognosis of the GIST.

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