Concomitant and combined operations in patients with infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms

Dudkin, B.V.; Butkevich, A.T.; Rybakov, V.V.; Pan'ko, V.I.

Angiologiia i Sosudistaia Khirurgiia 16(3): 118-123


ISSN/ISBN: 1027-6661
PMID: 21280302
Document Number: 639293
The authors have retrospectively studied the outcomes of surgical management of 421 patients diagnosed with infrarenal atherosclerotic variants of an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) operated on over the period from 1982 to 2007. Of these, there were a total of 389 (92.4%) patients operated on electively, with the remaining 32 (7.6%) patients operated on expeditiously. 264 (67.9%) patients had only been subjected to resection of the aneurysm with linear or bifurcation prosthetic repair of the aorta, 86 (22.1%) endured resection of the aneurysm in a combination with correction of blood flow in other arterial basins, and 39 (10%) patients parallel to AAA resection sustained operations for other surgical and oncological diseases. The authors analysed the effect of comorbidities, the patients' age, AAA size, duration of surgery and the volume of blood loss on the outcomes of surgical treatment. Also studied were the immediate outcomes of surgical treatment, with the remote results followed up in 427 patients having endured AAA resection. The obtained findings confirm a promising nature of combined and concomitant operations in AAA.

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