Assessment of peer-based and structural strategies for increasing male participation in an antenatal setting in Lilongwe, Malawi
Mphonda, S.M.; Rosenberg, N.E.; Kamanga, E.; Mofolo, I.; Mwale, G.; Boa, E.; Mwale, M.; Martinson, F.; Hoffman, I.; Hosseinipour, M.C.
African Journal of Reproductive Health 18(2): 97-104
ISSN/ISBN: 1118-4841 PMID: 25022146 Document Number: 623110
In sub-Saharan Africa, although male involvement in antenatal care is associated with positive outcomes for HIV-infected women and their infants, men rarely accompany female partners. We implemented a project to increase the number of male partners attending an antenatal clinic at Bwaila Hospital in Lilongwe, Malawi. We evaluated changes in the proportion of women who came with a partner over three periods. During period 1 (January 2007 - June 2008) there was didactic peer education. During period 2 (July 2008 - September 2009) a peer-led male-involvement drama was introduced into patient waiting areas. During period 3 (October 2009 - December 2009) changes to clinical infrastructure were introduced to make the clinic more male-friendly. The proportion of women attending ANC with a male partner increased from 0.7% to 5.7%, to 10.7% over the three periods. Peer education through drama and male-friendly hospital infrastructure coincided with substantially greater male participation, although further gains are necessary.