Measures of social function and participation in musculoskeletal populations: Impact on Participation and Autonomy (IPA) , Keele Assessment of Participation (KAP) , Participation Measure for Post-Acute Care (PM-PAC) , Participation Objective, Participation Subjective (POPS) , Rating of Perceived Participation (ROPP) , and the Participation Scale

Wilkie, R.; Jordan, J.L.; Muller, S.; Nicholls, E.; Healey, E.L.; van der Windt, D.A.

Arthritis Care and Research 63(Suppl 11): S325-S336


ISSN/ISBN: 2151-4658
PMID: 22588754
DOI: 10.1002/acr.20641
Document Number: 232539

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