Control of interstitial pneumonia by drip infusion of megadose vitamin C, dehydroepiandrosterone and cortisol. A short review of our experience
Kodama, M.; Oyama, A.; Takagi, H.
In Vivo 22(2): 263-267
ISSN/ISBN: 0258-851X PMID: 18468413 Document Number: 620654
Interstitial pneumonia can be controlled by the combined use of a prophylactic antibiotic system and the drip infusion system including megadose vitamin C, dehydroepiandrosterone (D) and cortisol (F), a fortified substitute of 3 adrenocortical elements. The response of patients was satisfying with few side-effects of F It was shown that an excess of vitamin C improved the therapeutic efficacy of D-F complex, and that D and F improved the immunodeficient state of the host. The benefit of D as an adrenal androgen in immunology found another example in the combined use of cyclosporine A (CS) and glucocorticoid (G) in the kidney transplantation clinic: CS and G helps improve graft take by creating a state of androgen excess, as testified in both humans and mice - an alleviation of immune conflict.