Spatio-temporal distribution of hypothyroidism in Quebec
Gagnon, F.; Langlois, M.-F.; Michaud, I.; Gingras, S.; Duchesne, J.-F.ço.; Lévesque, B.ît.
Chronic Diseases in Canada 27(1): 1-8
ISSN/ISBN: 0228-8699 PMID: 16672134 Document Number: 602635
This study estimates the incidence and prevalence of hypothyroidism in Quebec, based on a data bank produced by the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) on the use of thyroid hormones by persons insured under RAMQ's public drug insurance plan between 1992 and 2001. In 2001, the prevalence of thyroid hormone use in women and men respectively was 10.8 and 2.9 percent. Prevalence increases with age, reaching, among those aged 65 and over, 21.9 percent in women and 8.0 percent in men in 2001. Incidence is highest in women between the ages of 45 and 64 and in men aged 65 and over. Age-related incidence is relatively stable in women but tends to increase in men. On a regional and local basis (by Centre local de services communautaires [CLSC]), incidence rates up to 2.4 times higher than anticipated on the basis of provincial incidence rates were observed.