The trace elements content in the selected vegetables from the Lublin area
Czech, A.; Rusinek, E.; Bartoszek, D.
Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny 57(1): 57-64
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-7715 PMID: 16900864 Document Number: 599731
The ASA method was used to determine the content of copper, zinc, manganese and iron in the selected vegetables (lettuce, radish, spinach, chives, sorrel [Rumex acetosa]) obtained from the following allotments: Lublin centre, the city surrounding and from the marketplace and the supermarket. The vegetables bought at the supermarket were characterized higher concentration of copper and zinc in comparison with the vegetables coming from the allotments in the Lublin centre, the city surrounding and also from the marketplace. All the tested vegetables were rich in iron, however accumulated insignificant amount of copper. The trace elements content in the tested vegetables were not significant and were not harmful to people's health.