Eventrations--the prospective analysis of risk factors of eventrations patients after laparotomy treated in 8 surgical departments of Podkarpacie District

Gembal, P.; Grzegorczyk, Wław.; Grabowski, Bł.; Milik, K.; Rola, Rław.; Kołodziej-Ziarko, A.; Bielecki, K.

Wiadomosci Lekarskie 59(11-12): 767-771


ISSN/ISBN: 0043-5147
PMID: 17427489
Document Number: 598210
Eventration is still a major surgical problem. Although not very common, but may cause serious complications leading to patient's death. It is observed in 0.2-7% (average 2%) of all the laparotomy. The aim of the study was the analysis of risk factors and frequency of eventrations. The study was performed in 8 surgical departments in Podkarpacie district since April 2004 till March 2005. During the analysed period there were 4360 laparotomies performed. Eventration was observed in 23 cases (0.52% of all laparotomies performed)--30.5% of the afflicted were females; males constituted the remaining 69.5%. Patients over the age of 70 represented approximately 70% of all of the eventration cases. The most common risk factors were: ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) III or higher, low plasma protein level, operations on the large bowel, abdominal midline incision and emergency operations. Occurring eventrations were aseptic, late, III degree. (1) The frequency of eventrations in hospitals of podkarpacie district is low (0.52% of all laparotomies indicates good technique of wound suture after laparotomy). (2) The eventrations were associated with the following risk factors: age over 70, ASA greater or equal III, low plasma protein level, operations on the large intestine, midline incision and emergency surgeries.

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