Changes of immune function and nutrition state in pelagic fishermen

Wang, H-jun.; Fang, G-an.; Yang, W-xi.; Liu, B.

Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi 24(7): 412-414


ISSN/ISBN: 1001-9391
PMID: 16889703
Document Number: 595724
To investigate the effects of long time cruising on fishermen' immune function and nutrition state. Thirty-two fishermen's lymphocyte subsets, immunoglobulin, alexin, prealbumin, albumin, blood fat, hemoglobin serum iron, transferrin were tested before and after cruising. The expression of CD-19 was significantly higher after cruising (P < 0.001) while other cell immune functions were not significantly changed. After cruising, the immunoglobulin IgG, IgA, alexin C3, B, prealbumin, albumin, transferrin were higher than before cruising (P < 0.001). HDL-C was higher (P < 0.05); Apo-B, and serum iron were lower (P < 0.01). The cruising fishermen' immune function is changed significantly; the nutrition state is good, but the serum iron is insufficient and in subclinical state.

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