Repair of skin soft tissue defects with new overlapping tissue expansion techniques

Li, X.; Xia, Y.; Wang, Y.

Zhongguo Xiu Fu Chong Jian Wai Ke Za Zhi 20(5): 544-546


ISSN/ISBN: 1002-1892
PMID: 16752845
Document Number: 595079
To improve the efficiency of skin soft tissue expansion with the overlapping tissue expansion techniques. From June 2003 to March 2005, 5 cases of skin soft tissue defects were treated with the overlapping tissue expansion technique-two overlapped expanders in one soft tissue pocket, which was different from the traditional technique--one expander in one soft tissue pocket. Five patients included 3 males and 2 females, aging from 11 to 28 years. The defect was caused by scar of forearm in 2 cases, by melanotic nevus in 1 case and by cicatricial baldness in 2 cases. The disease course was 1.5 to 24 years. The defect size ranged from 12 cm X 5 cm to 13 cm X 12 cm. Skin expansion process was satisfactory and skin defect was completely repaired with the expanded skin tissue in one operation in 5 cases. After operation, the wound of donor-recipient site healed by first intention. All patients were followed up from 3 to 15 months, no contracture, pigmentation and scar occurred at the expanded skin area. The long-term appearances were satisfactory. Compare with the traditional tissue expansion techniques, the new overlapping tissue expansion techniques can apparently improve the efficiency of skin soft tissue expansion. It is suitable for the patients whose expandable skin is limited or no more skin tissue can be dissected near the skin defect and who need more expandable skin to repair skin defect.

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