Clinical manifestations and life quality of patients with myocardial infarction during rehabilitation course with application of hypoxia in a pressure chamber
Prokof'ev, A.B.
Klinicheskaia Meditsina 83(10): 16-19
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-2149 PMID: 16320838 Document Number: 594408
The subjects of the study were 85 men aged 49.7 +/- 6.4 years with myocardial scarring after myocardial infarction (MI). The purpose was to evaluate effects of rehabilitation measures on clinical manifestation of the disease and patients' quality of life (QL). The method of adaptation to periodical hypoxia in a pressure chamber was applied to the main group, and classic physical adaptation--to the control group. Positive clinical effect was achieved in 91% of patients in the main group, which was manifested by reduction of symptoms of the disease, as well as non-specific complaints. The study revealed concrete factors causing QL decline. Analysis of AMPI data showed that psychological profile parameters in MI patients were within normal limits. The patients on barotherapy displayed significant improvement of QL according to Medicosocial Questionnaire and Life Quality of a Stenocardia Patient Questionnaire immediately upon the rehabilitation course completion; no such result was achieved in the control group.