Elution and adsorptive concentration of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) pollen allergen in environmental water

Sagehashi, M.; Fukuda, T.; Fujii, T.; Sakai, Y.; Sakoda, A.

Water Science and Technology a Journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 52(8): 37-43


ISSN/ISBN: 0273-1223
PMID: 16312949
Document Number: 592678
Elution of Japanese cedar pollen allergens (Cry j I and others) from pollen grains and its adsorptive concentration onto hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces were investigated using the surface plasmon resonance technique. Results showed that the allergen elution was obviously enhanced when the ion concentration was higher than that within the human body, indicating that the pollen tend to release its allergen in environmental water having a high ion concentration. However, higher adsorption capacity was observed on hydrophobic surface than hydrophilic surface. These results indicate that water puddles on roadsides beside heavy traffic including large amounts of ion compounds and hydrophobic diesel exhaust particles (DEPs) are a pollen allergen-DEP complex generator. DEPs are easily absorbed into the living body; therefore these mechanisms may be responsible for causing the highest incidence of pollinosis among residents living alongside roads with heavy automobile traffic.

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