Ciprofloxacin-resistant Salmonella enterica serotype typhi in a patient with osteomyelitis of the rib

Wilson, G.; Prabhu, N.; Easow, J.M.; Mukhopadhyay, C.

Medical Journal of Malaysia 60(5): 667-669


ISSN/ISBN: 0300-5283
PMID: 16515126
Document Number: 592417
Salmonella osteomyelitis of the rib is a rare clinical entity. In our case, a muhidrug resistant Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi was isolated from an immuno-competent patient with osteomyclitis of the ribs, who was treated earlier with ciprotloxacin for typhoid fever. The patient was successfully treated for osteomyclitis with intravenous ceftriaxone.

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