Oat cell carcinoma of the oesophagus--a case report and review of literature
Simon, E.George.; Vimala, R.; Ashok, L.; Anand, L.; Jayanthi, V.
Journal of the Indian Medical Association 103(10): 540 542
ISSN/ISBN: 0019-5847 PMID: 16498759 Document Number: 589003
A 45-year-old male presented with dysphagia, anorexia and progressive weight loss. He was a chronic smoker. Oesophagoscopy showed an ulceroproliferative growth of 25-30 cm size. Histopathology from the biopsy tissue showed small cell (oat cell) carcinoma. He received radiotherapy, but died 9 months later. Small cell carcinoma of the oesophagus constitutes 0.8-2.4% of all the oesophageal carcinoma. The tumour is an aggressive one with a poor prognosis irrespective of the treatment.