Comparison of histological and cytological studies of the prostate with special reference to oestrogene induced changes
Schubert, G.E.; Ziegler, H.; Völter, D.
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie 57: 315-318
ISSN/ISBN: 0070-4113 PMID: 4142204 Document Number: 58473
The effects of weekly im injections of Progynon-Depot (100 mg) on prostate cytology and histology were studied in 11 men aged 61-85 years with prostatic adenomyomatosis. Biopsy samples were taken before treatment, after 9 weeks of treatment, and 6 weeks after treatment was stopped. Histologic response was characterized by basal vacuoles, hyperplasia of basal cells, and squamous metaplasia of the glandular epithelium, and persisted in 80% of patients after treatment was stopped. The implications of those results for the treatment of prostatic carcinoma are discussed.