HIV knowledge and beliefs among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Pando, M.A.; Balan, I.; Marone, R.; Dolezal, C.; Barreda, V.; Carballo Dieguez, A.; Avila, M.M.
Aids and Behavior 17(4): 1305-1312
ISSN/ISBN: 1573-3254 PMID: 23297085 DOI: 10.1007/s10461-012-0404-xDocument Number: 577233
Five hundred men who have sex with men (MSM), recruited through respondent driven sampling in Buenos Aires, Argentina, were interviewed in order to assess knowledge and beliefs about HIV infection. The mean proportion of HIV correct knowledge answers was 62 %; however participants whose sexual partners in the prior year included women (MSM&W) had lower frequencies of correct answers than participants with no women partners. Men with previous HIV testing experience and those who were HIV positive had higher HIV knowledge. In relation to HIV beliefs, less than half of participants responded correctly to each of the scenarios presented. Accurate answers for all items were more likely among those who only have sex with men. Men have basic HIV knowledge but also many misconceptions about transmission and prevention. Furthermore, MSM&W have less information than those who are exclusively MSM, probably related to the fact that information campaigns specifically targeted gay identified men.