Dependance of pharmacological and toxic effects of various calcium salts on their ionization
Hapke, H.J.; Prigge, E.
Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 79(22): 545-550
ISSN/ISBN: 0341-6593 PMID: 4566292 Document Number: 57239
Measurement of ionized Ca in serum after infusion of calcium chloride and calcium gluconate in sheep, cattle and rats established that the degree of ionization of both salts depended on the degree of dilution. At high dilutions there was no difference between the chloride and the gluconate, but at low dilutions the degree of ionization of the gluconate was less than that of the chloride. This different degree of ionization at concentrations above 20 mg Ca++ per 100 ml serum is the cause of better tolerance of the gluconate at high doses.