Condition of ocular blood supply in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma with normal pressure

Kunin, V.D.

Vestnik Oftalmologii 119(1): 10-13


ISSN/ISBN: 0042-465X
PMID: 12608035
Document Number: 555392
The condition of discharge of intraocular fluid (IOF), the value of systemic arterial pressure (AP), the condition of mean dynamic arterial pressure in the ocular artery (Pm.ophth.) an the perfusion ocular pressure (Pperf.) were examined in patients with normal pressure glaucoma (NPG). A decrease in the IOF discharge from 0.16 +/- 0.02 cu mm per 1 mm Hg at the NPG initial stage to 0.11 +/- 0.01 cu mm per 1 mm Hg at the NPG deteriorated stage was established. The value of decrease of the systemic AP within an interval of 100 to 116 mm Hg is observed in patients with NPG by 6.9 times more often as compared to the controls (in 42.2% and 6.1% of cases, respectively). A reliable reduction of Pm.ophth. by 4.0 mm Hg and of Pperf.--by 4.9 mm Hg was found in patients with NPG as compared with Pm.ophth. and Pperf. in the controls with the same systemic AP values; the deficit of the ocular volumetric blood flow reached 10.9%. The treatment of NPG patients must be related with improving the IOF discharge, with reducing the genuine intraocular pressure (Po) to a tolerable level, and with increasing the systemic AP, Pm.ophth. and Pperf. to the mean statistically normal level.

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