Development and initial results of AmBADO. Ambulatory basic documentation in outpatient psychiatric clinics of Bavarian district hospitals

Welschehold, M.; Jordan, A.; Berger, W.

Psychiatrische Praxis 30(Suppl 2): S143-S150


ISSN/ISBN: 0303-4259
PMID: 14509062
Document Number: 553995
As of 1.1.2002 a new documentation system (AmBADO) has been introduced to the out-patient departments of all Bavarian psychiatric clinics. With the use of this new system, practitioners are for the first time allowed to collect data concerning structure, process, and outcome parameters in this field of care. A pilot study was conducted in 2000 before statewide introduction; this occurred at the "Atriumhaus", a psychiatric crisis- and treatment centre in Munich. Experiences gathered in this study will be presented and examples for possible benefits of using the new system will be discussed.

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