Immediate and long-term outcomes of coronary stenting in relation to stent implantation pressure in patients with coronary heart disease

Puretskiĭ, M.V.; Abugov, S.A.; Saakian, I.M.

Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii 2002(5): 13-19


ISSN/ISBN: 0042-4676
PMID: 12622033
Document Number: 548097
The paper evaluates the pressure impact of implantation of intracoronary stents of different designs on the immediate and long-term outcomes of stenting. A retrospective study included 192 patients. Matrix and wire stents were implanted in 97 (50.5%) and 95 (49.5%) patients, respectively. In one part of the patients, the coronary stent was implanted under nominal pressure, in the other, the stent after implantation was extended with a balloon by using high pressure. Good immediate angiographic and clinical results were obtained in all 192 patients. Thirty three (17.2%) patients were found to have coronary spasm at the site of a stent. There was no significant difference in the development of coronary spasm, which was associated with the type of an implanted (matrix or wire) stent and with the pattern of its implantation (under high or nominal pressure). Dissection along the stent edges developed in 17 of the 192 patients, which amounted to 8.8%. It significantly more frequently developed in patients from Subgroup IA than in those from Subgroup IB. There was no significant difference in the development of restenosis in patients after implantation of matrix or wire stents and in the relation to the stent implantation pressure.

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