Histochemical localization of NADPH-d-positive structures in bovine uterine and ovarian arteries during the oestrous cycle and early pregnancy

Jaroszewski, J.J.; Barszczewska, B.; Wojtkiewicz, J.; Majewski, M.; Timmermans, J.P.

Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 40(2): 143-144


ISSN/ISBN: 0239-8508
PMID: 12056616
Document Number: 545938
The aim of the present study was to histochemically demonstrate nitric oxide synthase-related NADPH-d activity in ovarian and uterine arteries of heifers at different stages of the oestrous cycle and during early pregnancy. Catalytic activity of NADPH-d activity was found in the endothelial lining of all examined vessels, however, staining intensity was higher in the segments ipsilateral to the corpus luteum than in those taken from the contralateral side. Moreover, the reaction was much more intense during the luteal than during the follicular stage of the cycle. Similar differences were observed for NADPH-d activity in the muscular coat. In conclusion, the present results suggest that the endothelial/muscular cells may be the main source of nitric oxide in the studied parts of the bovine arteries, and also that NADPH-d activity may depend on the hormonal status of the organism.

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