Hyperalimentation with amino acid and casein hydrolysate solutions. Mechanism of acidosis

Chan, J.C.; Asch, M.J.; Lin, S.; Hays, D.M.

JAMA 220(13): 1700-1705


ISSN/ISBN: 0098-7484
PMID: 4623985
Document Number: 54153
Four premature infants and a child 10 years old were maintained for 7 to 18 days on total intravenous feeding with a casein hydrolysate or an amino acid solution, both with additives, with titratable acidities of 26 and 24 m-equiv/litre respectively. During infusion, there was metabolic acidosis with decreases in base excess in plasma to -9 to -12 m-equiv/litre and increases in net acid excretion. The maximum renal response was slower in the infants than in the child. The acidosis was rapidly corrected by infusing sodium bicarbonate. Recovery occurred when infusion was stopped or continued with a half-strength solution when the net acid excretion exceeded the net acid input (actual input plus estimated metabolic production).

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