Correction of asthenovegetative disorders in the postoperative period in pulmonary tuberculosis patients

Sokolova, V.S.; Strel'tsov, V.P.; Novikova, L.N.; Ivanova, T.I.; Ratobyl'skiĭ, G.V.; Borukaev, A.M.; Belostotskiĭ, A.V.

Khirurgiia 2002(5): 13-15


ISSN/ISBN: 0023-1207
PMID: 12077827
Document Number: 540624
58 patients with asthenia were observed during postoperative period after surgery treatment of tuberculosis. All of the patients were divided into two groups: 34 patients taking anti tuberculosis drugs and Stimol, and 24 patients taking only anti tuberculosis drugs. Following method where used to appreciate states of the patients: scales of Symptoms Check List--90, acid-base and gas state of blood, EKG, ECHOKG, KIG, Contactles Spirometry. Treatment with using of Stimol leads to quicker regress of asthenia to improvement in both cardiovascular and respiratory systems and normalization of gas state of blood. Effect of this medicine can be connected with positive influence on cardiac and respiratory functions of the body due to normalization vegetative prevision and improvement of metabolism in cells of drain and cardiomyocyties.

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