Mental health problems and symptoms among male adolescents attending a teen health clinic

Smith, P.B.; Buzi, R.S.; Weinman, M.L.

Adolescence 36(142): 323-332


ISSN/ISBN: 0001-8449
PMID: 11572310
Document Number: 539064
The purpose of this study was to examine the frequency and nature of mental health problems and symptoms among a group of 51 inner-city male adolescents attending a teen health clinic at a large county hospital in the southwestern part of the United States. They were administered a problem area checklist and a problem symptom checklist. The problem area checklist covered a range of mental health issues, including peer/friendship, relationship, and family problems; problems with money, time, and the law; substance use; and eating disorders. The problem symptom checklist queried participants about anger, nervousness, depression, fear, loneliness, suicide, aggression, and self-esteem. The results indicated that these young males experienced significant mental health problems and symptoms, such as relationship problems, problems with time and money, and symptoms of anger, depression, and aggression. Further, scared/afraid feelings correlated with five of the eight problem areas. The authors recommend investigating ways to target young males who present at such clinics in order to address their mental health problems and symptoms, as well as studying how their environment affects their overall health.

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