Consumer knowledge of mental health conditions, awareness of mental health support services, and perception of community pharmacists' role in mental health promotion

Singleton, J.; Stevens, J.E.; Truong, R.; McCulloch, A.; Ara, E.; Cooper, M.B.; Hobbs, B.; Hotham, E.; Suppiah, V.

International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 32(2): 170-179


ISSN/ISBN: 2042-7174
PMID: 38142048
Document Number: 199002
To explore community pharmacy consumers' knowledge and attitudes of mental illness, support services, and community pharmacists' role in supporting people living with mental illness (PLMI). This survey was conducted in 15 community pharmacies between June and September 2019. Participants were aged 18 years or older without prior or ongoing history of mental illness and/or with close family members with mental illness. Open-ended responses to the anonymous questionnaire were analysed using content analysis. Majority of the 380 participants were female (57.4%) with a mean age 52.9 years and 33.7% having completed university. Most (70.3%) believed that people with mental illness had a negative image due to poor health literacy providing possible solutions of 'awareness campaigns', 'education and training', and 'increased government funding for mental health (MH) support services'. Only 33.7% and 63.7% of participants were aware of Mental Health Week and the R U OK? Campaign, respectively. Whilst 12.4% of participants had participated in MH campaigns, only 3.4% were aware of community pharmacists-led MH educational activities. There were significant differences between adults (<65 years) and older adults (≥65 years old) with the latter reporting a more negative image for mental illness (P < 0.05) and having less exposure and engagement with MH resources (P < 0.001) and campaigns (P < 0.01). Despite awareness, participants reported low engagement with MH campaigns. Additionally, older adults had lower MH literacy and exposure to resources and campaigns. This study highlighted that the community lacked awareness of what pharmacists can offer to support PLMIs.

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