Therapist-patient relationship in treatment of chronic schizophrenic patients

Ivezić, S.; Ljubimir, V.; Urlić, I.

Medicinski Arhiv 55(1 Suppl 1: 39-46


ISSN/ISBN: 0025-8083
PMID: 11795193
Document Number: 537137
Long-term hospitalized schizophrenic patients of a whole chronic unit of a psychiatric hospital were exposed during a six-months period to a psycho-therapeutically approach of active engagement of the therapist that best can be described as "good enough mother" (Winnicot) approach or a creation of primary identification (Freeman). The effect of the treatment with special attention to the therapist-patient relationship was measured by specially designed bi-polar scale. Statistically significant differences were found on every measured quality. The research suggests that the relationship therapist-patient based on the basic trust influences the outcome of the illness.

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