Family welfare programme and the demographic trends in Abhanpur block of Raipur District, Madhya Pradesh, India
Gandhi, N.; Saxena, V.B.
Journal of Ravishankar University 1(1): 91-98
Document Number: 532048
A study of demographic trends and the effects of the family planning programme was undertaken in Abanpur, Raipur District, Madhya Pradesh, examining data for the 1971-85 period. The family welfare programme was found to have had a definite influence on the population growth rate of the block, which had decreased from 3.8% during 1961-71 to 1.85% during the 1971-81 decade. Even so, 35.6% of the block's population has a growth rate of more than 2%. Birth rate also decreased from 31.39 in 1971 to 26.92 in 1985. There is also a decline in the infant mortality rate. The female literacy rate has also increased from 8.1% during 1971 to 15.3% during 1981. The percentage of females married below the legalized age of marriage has decreased and fragmentation of land has also come to a halt. However, the problem of overcrowding in houses has not shown much change.