Rural-urban migration and poverty: the case of India

Haan, A. de

IDS Bulletin 28(2): 35-47


ISSN/ISBN: 0265-5012
DOI: 10.1111/j.1759-5436.1997.mp28002004.x
Document Number: 530561
The importance of migration for urban as well as for rural areas, for poverty and for poverty alleviation policies is considerable, and it is suggested that more research is needed, particularly taking into account both sides of the migration streams. Rates of urbanization, which have remained low in countries like India, underestimate the importance of migration. Migrants in cities continue to maintain close links with, and return to, their areas of origin, thus limiting urban population growth and complicating analyses and policies. The paper, focusing on migration to Calcutta but also drawing on all-India survey data and other evidence, discusses the following issues: the role of poverty versus inequality in migration; the migrants' districts of origin; the socioeconomic background of migrants; the migrants' income and expenditure, compared to non-migrating groups; and whether migrants are able to improve their income over time.

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