Evaluation of the usefulness for the latex agglutination test for serodiagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections
Rastawicki, W.; Jagielski, M.; Kałuzewski, S.
Medycyna Doswiadczalna i Mikrobiologia 52(2): 151-164
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-8601 PMID: 11107789 Document Number: 523757
The usefulness of latex agglutination test prepared in our laboratory for the diagnosis of M. pneumoniae infections was assessed. A total of 628 serum samples obtained from patients with respiratory tract infections were tested by complement fixation test and by latex test, from among them 274 serum samples were additionally tested by ELISA--Ig A/--IgG/--IgM and by immunoelectroprecipitation test. The highest sensitivity and specificity was displayed by the latex test in relation to ELISA when determining mycoplasmal antibodies of IgM class (respectively 82.1% and 89.6%) and to the complement fixation test (81.0% and 89.0%). Positive latex test results in our investigations were associated only with the presence of IgM antibodies and were not dependent on the IgA and IgG antibody classes. The latex agglutination test may be used in routine serodiagnosis of mycoplasmosis under condition that the results obtained in this test will be confirmed by the complement fixation test or ELISA.