Ligament reconstruction tendon interposition arthroplasty for basal joint arthritis: simplifying flexor carpi radialis tendon passage through the thumb metacarpal
Tomaino, M.M.; King, J.
American Journal of Orthopedics 29(1): 49-50
ISSN/ISBN: 1078-4519 PMID: 10647520 Document Number: 523679
During the ligament reconstruction tendon interposition arthroplasty for basal joint arthritis, the flexor carpi radialis tendon is passed through the base of the thumb and out an exit hole on its dorsum. When the entire width of the tendon is harvested, this aspect of the procedure can be difficult. Tapering the width of the proximal tendon and using a Carroll tendon retriever simplify the procedure and eliminate the need for enlarging the transosseous hole in the thumb metacarpal.