Effective dose and dose to the crystalline lens during angiographic procedures
Pages, J.
Jbr-Btr Organe de la Societe Royale Belge de Radiologie 83(3): 108-110
ISSN/ISBN: 0302-7430 PMID: 11025920 Document Number: 522723
Interventional radiology presents the highest dose levels for the staff and for the patient. For a total of 34 angiographic examinations the doses at the forehead and at the neck of a radiologist have been measured. The effective dose and the dose to the eye lens have been estimated over a period of one year. Doses to the lens of the eye close to the limit of 150 mSv proposed by the ICRP have been observed. There is an imminent need for the radiologist to wear also lead glasses to avoid formation of cataracts at long term.