Immunological aspects of human reproduction. Report of a WHO Scientific Group

World Health Organization Technical Report Series 334: 1-21


ISSN/ISBN: 0512-3054
PMID: 4956544
Document Number: 520837
Among the subjects listed under research needs are studies of the chemical structure of hormones concerned in reproduction; the production of antibodies to the gonadotrophins by the use of adjuvants and/or chemically modified gonadotrophins; and the use of immunological methods for assisting the detection of the time of ovulation. The characterization of the male antigens responsible for various immunological phenomena in males and for inducing circulating antibodies and reducing the fertility of immunized females, as well as the comparison of various methods of detecting spermatic antibodies in the sera of infertile males and females should also have a high priority. The treatment of patients with sperm auto-agglutinins and the risks involved in immunization with antigens concerned in reproduction need evaluation.

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