The epidemiology and nature of measles in Nairobi before the impact of measles immunization
Hayden, R.J.
East African Medical Journal 51(2): 199-205
ISSN/ISBN: 0012-835X PMID: 4837256 Document Number: 520587
Notified cases of measles in Nairobi in the 6 years 1965 to 1970 were analysed and 539 children with measles who attended outpatient centres in 2 months of 1970 were followed up. Of the 539 children 34% were malnourished and 12% were severely anaemic. Preexisting malnutrition was reported as aggravated by measles in 16%. Of 469 deaths associated with measles in children under 7 years old in 1970, malnutrition was mentioned as a contributory cause of death in only 2%. This is not considered a true picture, and 50 consecutive patients who died from measles in hospital in 1969 had weights well below the tenth percentile for West Africa. The median age for death from measles-associated illness in Nairobi is 16 months, which corresponds with a peak period of malnutrition.