Nation Office Vital Statistics, Washington 25, D C Some recent trends in vital statistics registration practices

Bailey, A.E.

American Journal of Publ Health: 253-258


Document Number: 517044
An analysis of recent vital statistics legislation to determine the program trends in vital statistics as reflected in the proposed legislation introduced in the respective State legislatures. A review of this legislation indicates 9 registration topics which are causing registrars of Vital Statistics some concern. In rank order, these topics are: The problem of recording illegitimates; the problem of recording adoptions; registration of births and deaths where place of occurrence is outside the State of residence; revision of Vital Statistics laws; centralization of marriage and divorce records; the integrity of a corrected record; who may file a birth or death record as "attendant"; the place of the local registrar in the Vital Statistics system; and the problem of delayed registration.

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