Population dynamics of aspilia africana in lowland bush fallows following shifting agriculture in southern nigeria

Adedeji, F.O.

Acta Oecologica Oecologia Plantarum 5(4): 315-320


Document Number: 515968
Demographic studies on A. africana with particular respect to recruitment, mortality and population flux in successional environment following slash and burn agriculture are reported. Permanent 1 m2 quadrates were established in 1-, 3-, 5-, 10- and 15-yr-old fallows located near Ile-Ife, Oyo state of Nigeria. Mortality of seedling populations which was greatest during the 1st 2 mo., was more severe in older than in younger fallows. The mortality of mature shoots was greatest in the 5 yr old fallow. No recruitment was recorded in 10- and 15-yr-old fallows. The changes in population size and fertility behavior are discussed with resepct to changing ecological conditions following shifting agricultural practice.

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