Non-obstetrical indications for cesarean section at the Obstetrics-Gynecology Department of the Higher Medical Institute, Plovdiv
Plekhanov, B.; Milchev, N.
Akusherstvo i ginekologiia 40(4): 13-15
ISSN/ISBN: 0324-0959 PMID: 11288623 Document Number: 513078
The authors have examined retrospectively the non-obstetrical indications for Caesarian section over a six-year period (1994-1999). Such indications have been related to extra-genital diseases. For this period there have been 6647 births, 908 of which (13.66%) by Caesarian section. For non-obstetrical indications 146 CS have been performed. The greatest number of CS is due to ophthalmological reasons--84. The current concepts for performing CS in cases of eye pathology and non-medical indications are discussed.